taiwan grouper,malabar chestnut








































































litchi,guava,oolong tea,processed poultry egg,taiwan tilapia






oolong tea

processed poultry egg

taiwan tilapia

taiwan grouper

malabar chestnut

ornamental fish


taiwanese rice

green soybean

Taiwan tilapia


The Online Resource for Taiwan's Quality Agriculture

Much about the daily life of Tai-wanese can be understood from the story of Taiwan tilapia.

Since its introduction in 1946, tilapia has made a considerable economic contribution, besides its economic value, folklore about Taiwan tilapia has become an integral part of Taiwan life. Originally a foreign species, Taiwan tilapia has come to be one of Taiwan's most representative types of fish.


Recently, to counter an image of being low-priced, Taiwan tilapia 's rather earthy original Chinese name has been changed to the catchier "Taiwanese bream." The industry is moving to break into foreign markets, opening a new chapter in the story of Taiwan tilapia.


The Taiwan tilapia, a member of the genus Tilapia, is a highly disease-resistant, rapidly reproducing breed of fish. Moreover, qualities such as its tender flesh and lack of hidden bones quickly made it a favorite among the public, and Taiwan tilapia became a major source of protein in impoverished Taiwan after the war.


In Taiwan, Taiwan tilapia is also known as the "South Pacific crucian carp," and is found in aquatic environments all over the island. "In recent years, the introduction of foreign species has attracted the notice of Taiwanese, causing them to worry about damage to native species," says William Chyi, a project assistant of Taiwan tilapia in the Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation Research Institute at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. " Taiwan tilapia is an extremely territorial species that drives out other species. However, due to its high economic value, everyone happily accepted it."





litchi guava oolong tea processed poultry egg taiwan tilapia taiwan grouper
malabar chestnut ornamental fish phalaenopsis taiwanese rice green soybean