taiwan grouper,malabar chestnut








































































litchi,guava,oolong tea,processed poultry egg,taiwan tilapia






oolong tea

processed poultry egg

taiwan tilapia

taiwan grouper

malabar chestnut

ornamental fish


taiwanese rice

green soybean



The Online Resource for Taiwan's Quality Agriculture

The Litchi is the sole member of the genus. Litchi in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. Litchi is a tropical and subtropical fruit tree native to China,
and now cultivated in many parts of the world. The fresh fruit has a "delicate, whitish pulp" with a "perfume" flavor that is lost in canning, so the fruit is mostly eaten fresh.


Delicious and juicy Litchi reminds you the arrival of summer. Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs to the family of Sapindaceae and named scientifically as Litchi chinensis.


The Litchi chinensis is a tropical type fruit tree native to low elevations of the provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien in Southern China. Litchi is a slow-growing medium sized evergreen tree with dense, round-topped foliage, and smooth, gray, brittle trunk and branches. Litchi may reach 40-50 feet height. Litchi, not only eye-catching in spring when the huge sprays of flowers adorn the tree but also is a stunning sight for nature lovers when the Litchi tree is full of berries.





litchi guava oolong tea processed poultry egg taiwan tilapia taiwan grouper
malabar chestnut ornamental fish phalaenopsis taiwanese rice green soybean