taiwan grouper,malabar chestnut








































































litchi,guava,oolong tea,processed poultry egg,taiwan tilapia






oolong tea

processed poultry egg

taiwan tilapia

taiwan grouper

malabar chestnut

ornamental fish


taiwanese rice

green soybean

Oolong teas


The Online Resource for Taiwan's Quality Agriculture

oolong teas is a traditional Chinese tea produced through a unique process including withering under the strong sun and oxidation before curling and twisting.Most oolong teas, especially those of fine quality, involve unique oolong teas plant cultivars that are exclusively used for particular varieties.


The degree of fermentation can range from 8% to 85%, depending on the variety and production style. Oolong teas category is especially popular with oolong teas connoisseurs of south China and Chinese expatriates in Southeast Asia.


In Chinese tea culture, semi-oxidised oolong teas are collectively grouped. The taste of oolong teas ranges hugely amongst various subvarieties.It can be sweet and fruity with honey aromas, or woody and thick with roasted aromas,or green and fresh with bouquet aromas, all depending on the horticulture and style of production.Several of oolong teas, including those produced in the Wuyi Mountains of northern Fujian and in the central mountains of Taiwan, are among the most famous oolong teas.


The name oolong teas came into the English language from the Chinese name meaning "black dragon tea".





litchi guava oolong tea processed poultry egg taiwan tilapia taiwan grouper
malabar chestnut ornamental fish phalaenopsis taiwanese rice green soybean